2 Seasons | 18 Episodes | TV-MA
From HBO comes this comedy series that offers up the unfiltered experiences of three 30-something gay friends living in San Francisco.
Looking for the Promised Land
Season Two Premiere. Patrick, Agustin and Dom escape the city for what Patrick hopes will be a weekend of relaxation and bonding.
Looking for Results
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by</b> Michael Lannan<br><b>Directed by </b>Andrew Haigh<br><br>Lying in bed with Kevin, Patrick recounts his childhood love for the Solid Gold dancers and his father's best friend Tony. Kevin counters with his past affection for Take That and their video for "Do What You Like." He made up a whole dance routine to the song as a kid but is too embarrassed to show Patrick. Kevin gets out favorite card game, Top Trumps, which is a war-like game in dozens of categories. "I'm surprised there isn't a gay one," Kevin says later on the bus. That sparks an idea from Patrick. "Why don't we make a gay game like this? For iPhones?" he says. "It could be like a cage match for gay archetypes. You'd have the hot jock versus the drag mother and then you could have the lusty lads of London against gay for pay."<br><br>Patrick reveals that he told Dom and Agustín about their secret secret relationship. Kevin immediately becomes paranoid. In the office, Patrick lies about where he was to Owen, saying he was at a revival of 'Showgirls.' Kevin calls him into his office, nervous that he just told Owen about their relationship, too.<br><br>Patrick relays details about his secret relationship to Dom and Agustín, adding that Kevin and Jon are having problems. "All we can do is live in the moment and stay open with each other," Patrick says. Agustín says he's "like Julia Roberts in ‘Pretty Woman.'" Dom adds: "Shine up those fierce thigh-highs, Patty, you're his dirty little secret."<br><br>Dom, Agustín and Patrick walk toward the storefront where Dom wants to open his chicken window, a location that will require $80,000 of seed money. Upon meeting Doris for margaritas, she immediately asks Patrick about "the affair." Patrick and Dom examine a rash on his stomach -- Patrick thinks it could be from bed bugs. "It's definitely not AIDS, right?" he asks. Dom rolls his eyes. "Have a margarita and enjoy the evening -- your AIDS crisis is over," he says. Malik, who'd been watching from across the room earlier, comes over and hits on Doris.<br><br>Agustín heads off into the night to "find Eddie and dance with some bears." Patrick lingers in front of an HIV-testing truck, then heads home to look at images of rashes online. Dom recounts Patrick's HIV panic to Lynn. "That doesn't offend you?" he asks. "Irrational AIDS panic?" Dom asks Lynn about his deceased boyfriend, but Lynn quickly changes the subject to the Russian River. "F**k anyone?" Lynn asks him, suggesting that they talk about their out-of-relationship escapades if they're going to be open. Agustín can't find Eddie on the dance floor but runs into Scotty -- the third in his past threesome with ex-boyfriend Frank -- who shares his supply of GHB. Agustín quickly spirals onto the dance floor shirtless. Richie finds Agustín passed out on the streets of SoMa later.<br><br>Patrick talks with a hotline operator, asking about his chances of having HIV. "Have you had unprotected anal sex?" she asks. Patrick is quick to reply no. Patrick, wearing underwear, answers his door to find Richie there with Agustín in tow. Patrick and Richie make small talk over tea. "Are you seeing anyone?" Patrick asks before backing away. "No -- delete, delete, delete." Patrick says he's "not really seeing anyone," and Richie declines Patrick's lunch invitation before saying he'll consider it.<br><br>Patrick goes to Out of the Closet, a thrift store that also tests for HIV. As the nurse draws blood, he makes a confession. "I lied on the form outside," he says. "I have had unprotected sex." Back at the office, Patrick tells Kevin about getting the HIV test. "This is clearly freaking me out," he says. "This -- us. Sitting in this glass box pretending we're not fucking." Kevin admits to getting migraines he hasn't had since he was a kid. "You're not alone in this," Kevin says. "Next time you freak out don't f**king panic and have an AIDS test. Just call me, okay?" Kevin sings and performs his dance moves to "Do What You Like" for a very amused Patrick.</p></div>
Looking Top to Bottom
Patrick preps for an overnight with Kevin. Agustin reaches out to Richie. Dom questions Lynn's support.
Looking Down the Road
Patrick questions his relationship with Kevin. Agustin spends a day at Eddie's shelter. Dom finds an unexpected guest at Lynn's.
Looking for Truth
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by</b> Tanya Saracho<br><b>Directed by </b>Andrew Haigh<br><br>Shortly after Kevin pops a bottle of champagne at a Most Dangerous Games office party, a disgruntled Patrick makes his exit. Kevin catches him on the way out. "How are you not a wreck?" Kevin asks. Patrick offers a clipped reply. "You chose Jon. That's it. End of story. We're both grown-ups -- we don't have to make a big deal about it."<br><br>After masturbating at home, Patrick heads out to help Richie. Agustín questions his motives, but that doesn't stop Patrick. Since Richie's driver's license is expired, Patrick agrees to drive an ice cream truck Richie fixed up and sold. Patrick admits his ulterior motive for helping -- he wants to see where Richie grew up. "So how often do you come back here?" Patrick asks. Richie replies: "Only when I need to, and I make it so I don't need to often."<br><br>Sitting at his desk, Kevin looks at the Top Trumps deck of cards, throws them in a drawer, and makes a phone call. Jon shows up, and the pair go enjoy the party together.<br><br>Agustín visits Eddie, who's sick at his apartment. Eddie won't let him in, and when he finally does, Eddie admits that he's not sick and was taking a mental health day. "I got soup for you," Agustín tells him, "it's got balls in it."<br><br>Richie is cautious to label his relationship with Brady "dating," as Patrick updates Richie about his own dating situation, too. "There is no more Kevin," Patrick says. Richie seems pleased. "I didn't like you in that situation," he says, "so I'm glad you ended it." When Patrick and Kevin pick up the truck, Kevin's cousin Ceci insists they stay and have a beer. Ceci isn't shy as they drink. "White guys are the f**king worst," she says. "They walk around like they own everything. I would never date a f**king gringo." A little while later, she pulls Patrick aside. "I was just really rooting for you," she tells him. "I'd never seen him be so into anyone."<br><br>Agustín asks Eddie about his HIV status. "Okay, no, see, we're not gonna like sit down and do the Barbara Walters interview thing," Eddie tells him. He eventually relents and reveals he got it from an ex-boyfriend, who lied about his status, and that he still hasn't told his family. Agustín and Eddie start dancing, and Eddie pushes Agustín away when he goes in for a kiss. "You should be embarrassed," Eddie says, "you give up way too easily." They start making out furiously. "This isn't anything official, okay?" Eddie says. "This is just me and you fooling around because I like your dance moves, alright?"<br><br>An old friend of Richie's, Hector, stops by as Richie and Patrick wash the ice cream truck. Hector asks how Richie's "salon" business is and laughs when Patrick introduces himself as his ex. "I'm just thinking about your dad," Hector tells Richie. "Live and let live." Richie is angry as Hector leaves, telling Patrick, "That guy's a f**king asshole."<br><br>Patrick prods Richie about the situation with his dad. "So this thing with your dad is legit bad, huh?" Richie brushes it off. "It's just complicated." Patrick keeps talking about it, and Richie tells him, "No offense, Patrick, but you don't know shit about my dad." Patrick references his own difficulty with his mother. "I know what it's like to feel like you can't be yourself when you go home," Patrick says, "so you either stay away or you go home and you pretend."<br><br>As Patrick drives the truck away from Richie's neighborhood, he apologizes for what happened at the end of their relationship. "I need you to know that it wasn't because I didn't like you enough, and it wasn't because I couldn't imagine us together in the future," he says. "When you asked me if I was ready, it was a complicated night." Patrick admits that he had sex with Kevin just before that, asking Richie, "You're not going to punch me in the face now, are you? Or make me walk home?" Richie is gracious. "It's in the past," he tells Patrick. "I mean, yeah, it doesn't feel great, but you had something with Kevin, right? And I'm with Brady now, and I like him." Patrick and Richie agree to try to be friends.</p></div>
Looking for Gordon Freeman
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by</b> JC Lee<br><b>Directed by </b>Jamie Babbit<br><br>"I am not spending another Halloween dressed as an old, dead woman from an '80s TV show," Patrick says to Dom and Agustín, as the trio preps to throw a Halloween bash. "We're throwing a party this year. We're gonna be the fun gays."<br><br>After stealing candy and paper goods from Most Dangerous Games, Patrick spies Kevin in his office -- even though it's Saturday. Kevin tells him he's probably not coming to the party, noting that the holiday might be his last in the city -- he and Jon may move back to Seattle. "It'd be better for us," Kevin explains. "For me."<br><br>After working with the trans kids at the shelter, Agustín asks Eddie if he'd like to stay over after the party that evening, "clothing optional." Eddie says he'll stay depending on the quality of Agustín's costume.<br><br>Dom excitedly tells Doris about the Twitter account he's starting to fuel his Kickstarter campaign. Then he shows her the double costume -- She-Ra and He-Man -- he got for them. Doris looks sad as she tells him that she's dressing up with Malik and recoils when Dom calls them a "couple." "What is it with gay people trying to ruin straight people's relationships with their labels?" she asks.<br><br>Patrick emerges ready for the Halloween party: He's dressed as Gordon Freeman, a video game character. "Tonight I'm gonna be #instagayed and people are gonna be like, 'Wow, who is that really cute, well-adjusted guy?'" he says. "It's me, America. Get into it." Carrying a keg, Dom shows up as He-Man, and Agustín is dressed in drag as a "hairy fairy." Doris and Malik arrive dressed as Sonny and Cher, and Doris guesses that Patrick is "the gay Walter White."<br><br>Eddie introduces Patrick to his friend James, encouraging them to chat because James thinks Patrick is cute and they're both single. A rather drunk Patrick brushes James off quickly. Brady, fired up after an article he wrote went viral, seems to be the only person who recognizes Patrick as Gordon Freeman. Richie teases Patrick. "He's way more fun than you," he says of Brady. Patrick keeps drinking while watching Brady and Richie take a cute photo together. Patrick brushes James off a second time.<br><br>Brady talks about PReP, which was the subject of his viral article. "In the same way that birth control liberates women, PReP can liberate gay men," Brady says. Patrick jumps into the discussion. "How does having unprotected sex liberate anyone?" he asks. "What's so bad about using condoms? Someone who doesn't even have HIV and isn't even taking PReP shouldn't probably be telling everyone." Patrick tries to save face after learning that Brady's article is titled "Why I Take Prep."<br><br>Agustín again again asks Eddie to stay the night. "I like you," he says, "and I want to see what you smell like in the morning." Malik confides in Dom. "When I fall for someone, I fall hard, and I think I might have scared her." Dom assures him that Doris is scared, too -- for good reason. "I'm pretty sure that's just because she feels the same way about you."<br><br>Patrick watches all the couples around him, pours a big drink, and then goes in to kiss James, who pushes him away. "What am I? Your sloppy party leftovers? Happy Halloween, dick." Patrick runs into Kevin and Jon before grabbing the microphone, getting on a chair, and starting a drunken speech. He talks about wanting to be a "fun gay," shills a bit for Dom's chicken window, references Agustín never paying rent, and digs into Richie and Brady. "He's also actually, I learned this evening, the gay Dr. Ruth," Patrick says of Brady, "so if anyone needs their Truvada prescription filled, that ginger over there in the crown is the one you go to." Patrick zeroes in on Kevin and Jon. "Isn't it great when two gay guys can work it out like that?" Just before Patrick makes a reference to his now-dead relationship with Kevin, Dom and Agustín pull him down from the chair. "That was a trainwreck," Dom says.<br><br>Doris seems on edge about Malik, too. "He's a little too great," she confesses to Dom. "It's scaring the shit out of me." Dom gives his two cents. "I think you two are great together."<br><br>Agustín consoles Patrick on the steps, when Kevin appears. "That was quite a speech," Kevin tells him. Patrick says he'd miss Kevin too much if he moves to Seattle, but Jon appears and kills the mood. "Good luck in Seattle," Patrick tells Kevin and Jon as they leave. "I hope everything works out the way you want."<br><br>Patrick snuggles with Dom while the remaining crowd dances to "The Monster Mash." Richie gives Patrick a sympathetic look before heading into the crowd to dance with Brady.</p></div>
Looking for a Plot
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by</b> Jhoni Marchinko<br><b>Directed by </b>Andrew Haigh<br><br>A hungover Patrick complains to Agustín, Dom and Doris about drinking too much tequila at the Halloween party the night before. "I'm really looking forward to the drag queen reenactment of your epic speech," Agustín says. Doris is smitten, texting with Malik and says she's had "like, 17 orgasms in the past five days." Doris next gets a message from her Aunt Sarah. "Oh f**k," she says, looking at the text. "My dad's dead."<br><br>Dom and Doris reminisce about their teenage years as he drives home to Modesto. "Even after you told him that you were gay, he still wanted us to get married," Doris remembers. Patrick pops up from the back seat, and Doris thanks him for coming. At a stop along the way, Doris tells stories about her alcoholic mother. Patrick consoles her. "Your childhood," he says, "was definitely worse than mine."<br><br>Before checking into the hotel, Dom, Doris and Patrick go to the funeral home. Doris says she doesn't want to see the body, but Dom tells her he regrets not seeing his dad. "Are you making me feel guilty in a funeral home?" she asks. "Thank you -- that's very classy of you." Dom keeps his arm around Doris as she's overcome with emotion upon seeing the corpse. "I hate that f**king suit," Doris says, looking at her father. "Aunt Sarah is too f**king cheap to buy him a new one." Dom lightens the mood with some jokes, and Doris remembers how her dad was a "big fan of the thumbs up." She complains about the amount of makeup on her dad, and Dom says he looks like a drag queen, which makes Doris laugh.<br><br>Dom takes Doris and Patrick inside the donut shop that used to be his dad's Portuguese diner. "Should have been able to make it work!" Dom says. Doris laughs, noting that Dom's dad "kept track of the books on napkins."<br><br>The trio takes a dip in the hotel pool, and Dom and Doris reminisce about their teenage years. Over KFC, Doris talks about how much she likes Malik before the threesome sets out for a gay bar. "Maybe I should just move to Modesto, become a bartender at the Brave Bull, and start dating Mr. Lonely down there," Patrick says, looking at a guy at the bar. "Walking on Sunshine" plays, and Doris, Dom and Patrick dance wildly on the empty dance floor.<br><br>Aunt Sarah eulogizes her brother George. Of Doris, she says, "When he talked about her, his whole face would light up." When Sarah reads George's favorite poem, "Clear Midnight" by Walt Whitman, Patrick breaks down crying very loudly.<br><br>At the reception afterward, Doris hugs her Aunt Sarah, who tells her, "Your dad was a royal pain in my ass, but he was a great brother, and I loved him." Sarah asks after Patrick, and he tells her this was his first funeral. Aunt Sarah whisks Dom away, saying, "Everyone wants to know what he's been doing for the last 20 years." Doris and Patrick take a shot at the bar together, while Dom talks -- and comes out -- to a high school friend, Barry. "Oh wow, cool," Barry replies. "I love that you're gay." Dom wonders why he left Modesto, but Doris and Patrick convince him he's in the right place.<br><br>Dom wants to stop by his dad's grave before they leave town, but he can't find the headstone when they get to the cemetery. "My dad's life's work has become a donut shop, and his own son can't find his grave," Dom says. "What kind of a f**king legacy is that?" Dom laments about never coming out to him, so while driving out of the cemetery, Dom yells out the window, "I'm gay! I'm gay, dad! I'm a big homo queer!" At the height of the excitement, with Patrick driving, a truck side-swipes Dom's Volvo.<br><br>At the hospital, Dom and Doris wait for Patrick to be treated. Doris tells Dom that her dad left her some money, enough for his chicken window. "I want you to have it," she says. "There's nobody I would rather invest in than you, you know that? Because you're my family." They embrace, and Patrick emerges with his arm in a sling and says, "I'm not going to be able to masturabe for like two weeks." Malik shows up to take them home, and Doris cries uncontrollably.<br><br>Patrick arrives at his apartment to find Kevin on his doorstep. "I've left Jon," Kevin says. "I'm completely, f**king in love with you. And I wanna know, do you wanna give this a shot? Just the two of us, together." Patrick's answer is emphatic: "Yes."</p></div>
Looking for Glory
Patrick and Kevin present their app at GaymerX. Dom makes progress on his chicken take-out window.
Looking for Sanctuary
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by</b> Michael Lannan<br><b>Directed by </b>Andrew Haigh<br><br>Patrick and Kevin lay naked in bed. "Your breath is terrible," Kevin tells Patrick, who sneaks away to the kitchen to make breakfast. Carrying lots of food precariously into the bedroom, Patrick drops it all on the floor. Kevin lures him back under the covers. "I don't need breakfast in bed," Kevin says. "You in bed is enough." They talk excitedly about going to GaymerX the next day.</p><p>"Do you ever wear pants?" Kevin asks Agustín when he enters the kitchen in his underwear. An unamused Agustín replies curtly: "How long are you staying here again?" Patrick appears wearing Kevin's sweater with a French bulldog on it. "The whole point of having a boyfriend the same size as you is so you can double your wardrobe," Patrick says. Kevin worries because he wears the sweater to work sometimes -- he wants to be strategic about how they tell their co-workers about their relationship.</p><p>At Most Dangerous Games, Owen points out that Kevin and Patrick "even buy the same sweater." The couple explains that they are a couple. Everyone in the room seems a bit on edge. Meredith chimes in, "I just hope it won't impact our company culture of fairness and that heterosexuals won't be discriminated against."</p><p>Dom shows Doris and Malik around his chicken window, which still needs a lot of work. Dom asks for Doris' help the next day, but she's going to Malik's niece's birthday party and says she'll come by afterward.</p><p>Kevin and Patrick set up their booth at GaymerX, where Patrick talks to Brent, the purveyor of an app called Glorified. "Glorified lets you find all the nearest glory holes," Brent explains, "so you can give them ratings, leave comments, message, meet up with other users. It's like social networking for the orally adventurous." Brents quizzes Patrick in a nasty tone: "So OneUpHim...is that a Reese Witherspoon movie?" Patrick explains that his app is more about "subverting stereotypes," but Brent ignores the answer and moves on to mistaking Kevin for Patrick's brother, calling the two of them "identical." Brent adds: "Why don't you just jerk off in the mirror if you think you're so cute?"</p><p>During sex with Agustín, Eddie comes in Agustín's eye. Agustín tries to be relaxed about it but goes to wash up in the bathroom. Eddie checks on him, but Agustín seems nervous, saying meekly that he'll "be right out."</p><p>"Why am I the go-to 'I'm having an AIDS meltdown' friend?" Dom asks Agustín, who's spiraling about his fluid exchange with Eddie as Dom works at his chicken window. Dom breaks it down for Agustín. "It's not 1994, just go on PrEP, get over it," Dom advises him. Agustín asks where Doris is, adding that he might have to get a new "hag."</p><p>Patrick explains OneUpHim to a GaymerX attendee, who says it sounds "very 2009." Brady and Richie stop by the OneUpHim booth; Brady is there to write a story about GaymerX with Richie along for the ride. Kevin invites Brady and Richie on a double date; Brady is excited about the potential of a story about OneUpHim app that focuses on Kevin and Patrick's romance.</p><p>Patrick takes Kevin to their hotel room in advance of the GaymerX prom that evening. "Will you be my gay Gaymer prom date?" Patrick asks Kevin with a corsage in hand.</p><p>Eddie confronts Agustín about what happened during sex. "You kind of disappeared on me," he says. Agustín gives an excuse, but Eddie won't relent. "I can't do this Agustín," he says. "I've been through it too many times. A really well-intentioned guy says he's totally cool and well-informed, and big surprise, he's not. Like, I just can't anymore. Do you have any idea what it's like to be a big, poz queer in this town?" Agustín admits to getting weird and says he'll work on it because he's "super" into Eddie.</p><p>At the prom, Patrick and Kevin are dressed in tailored suits amid a crowd of all types; Brent, in his wheelchair, is a hit on the dance floor. Patrick and Kevin take prom-style photos, and Patrick spies Richie across the room watching as he slow dances with Kevin. Richie can't take his eyes off Patrick.</p><p>Dom leaves a message for Doris; he seems sad she isn't coming to help at the chicken window.</p><p>Kevin, Patrick, Brady and Richie eat after the prom. Brady is drunk and asks Kevin to help him to the bathroom. Richie and Patrick get a moment to chat. "I was surprised to see you two together," Richie says to Patrick about Kevin. "I thought you were done with him." Patrick tells Richie about how they got back together. "The last time someone stood on my stoop, he told me I wasn't ready. So, this time, I just, I decided to go for it." Brady, in his drunken state, tells Patrick and Kevin about all the mean things they said about Kevin and Patrick behind their backs.</p><p>Kevin and Patrick enjoy the city view from their hotel room balcony. Patrick reads the first review of OneUpHim: "Another attempt to divide and label the gay community. Bullshit. One star." In an unrehearsed moment, Patrick says he loves Kevin. He tries backpedaling, but then says, "I do. I love you." Kevin says, "I love you, too." They kiss and get under the covers.</p></div>
Looking for Home
Season Two Finale. Patrick starts to reassess what he wants in a relationship. Malik encourages Dom to patch things up with Doris.