Sharp Objects Resources
Resources for Audiences in the United States
The Jed Foundation (JED)
JED is a nonprofit that exists to protect emotional health and prevent suicide for our nation's teens and young adults. Learn about mental health issues, resources and what to do if you're worried about yourself or someone else at jedfoundation.org/help.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
The nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for millions of Americans affected by mental illness, especially those with serious mental illness. NAMI advocates for effective prevention, diagnosis, treatment, support, research and recovery that improves the quality of life of persons of all ages affected by mental illness.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
An agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA's mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities. Call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit SAMHSA.gov.
A national nonprofit organization dedicated to ending the devastation addiction causes families. Resources and support groups can be accessed through their website.
Resources for Audiences Outside of the United States
Argentina: Sedronar
Sedronar is the governmental organism, which coordinates national policies regarding drugs and alcohol addictions, working both in the prevention and treatment areas. It also gives direct support to citizens via phone (141), chat or email.
Belgium: De DrugLijn
De DrugLijn is a service and helpline providing anonymous information, non-judgmental advice and guidance regarding all questions on alcohol, drugs, psychoactive medicine and gambling.
You can contact De DrugLijn by telephone, e-mail, chat and Skype in full confidentiality. Call 078 15 10 20 or check www.druglijn.be.
Brazil: Alcoólicos Anônimos do Brasil
A nonprofit organization and voluntary community of men and women who meet to achieve and maintain sobriety through total abstinence from drinking alcohol.
Brazil: Centro de Valorização da Vida
A nonprofit association, recognized as a Federal Public Utility since 1973. It provides free voluntary service of emotional support and suicide prevention for all those who want and need to talk, under complete confidentiality and anonymity.
Canada: Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
Founded in 1918, the CMHA is the most established, most extensive community mental health organization in Canada. Through a presence in more than 330 communities across every province, CMHA provides advocacy, programs and resources that help to prevent mental health problems and illnesses, support recovery and resilience, and enable all Canadians to flourish and thrive.
Chile: SENDA
SENDA is the Chilean national service for the prevention and rehabilitation of drug and alcohol consumption. It is a governmental institution responsible for developing national policies to prevent drugs and alcohol consumption and also for the treatment, rehabilitation and social integration of people affected by these substances. Phone: 1412.
Chile: Alcohólicos Anónimos
Alcohólicos Anónimos is an international community integrated by men and women who share their common experience with alcohol consumption and work together to recover and help others in the process. It is a non-governmental entity. For help 24 hours/day, please phone: 982 601 046.
Colombia: Alcoholics Anonymous
A nonprofit organization, a voluntary community of men and women who meet to achieve and maintain sobriety through total abstinence from drinking alcohol. Phone: 01 8000 510 522.
Colombia: Fundación La Luz
Health Services Provider Institution, I.P.S. Private, non-profit, with more than 19 years of successful experience in the treatment and rehabilitation of young people and adults with addiction problems of both sexes. Phone number: +57 317 615 7174.
Costa Rica: Acostar Costa Rica
Association that provides group and individual therapy services to the population with mental health issues. Email: acotarcostarica@gmail.com. Phone: (+506) 2233-7869. Facebook: Acostar Costa Rica.
Costa Rica: Fundación Costarricense de Trastorno Bipolar (FUCOTBI)
A nonprofit organization that conducts workshops on Bipolar Disorder in the general population and includes informational bulletins for patients and family members, as well as workshops on mental health issues. It also has group and individual therapy. Phone: (+506) 2258-2323. Facebook: FB: FUCOTBI.
Denmark: Alcohol and Society
An organization that works to reduce the extent of alcohol damage in Denmark, including fewer alcohol-related diseases and deaths, fewer social damages to children and relatives; and fewer accidents. Phone number: 80 200 500.
Denmark: The Psychiatry Foundation
A humanitarian disease-fighting organization that works to promote mental health so that everybody has the opportunity to live a good life, whether they are mentally vulnerable, diagnosed or experiencing a temporary crisis. Phone number: 39 25 25 25.
Finland: AddictionLink
Since 1996, AddictionLink has been Finland’s most popular site dealing with substance abuse and addiction. The website is intended for substance abusers, their families and friends and all those interested in objective information on substances and addiction. Phone number: 0800 900 45.
Finland: Finnish Central Association for Mental Health
Finnish Central Association for Mental Health is an association for people suffering and recovering from psychiatric problems. It stresses the right to a full, dignified life for everyone. Phone numbers: 0203 91920, 0800 177599.
France: The National Association for Prevention in Alcohology and Addictology (ANPAA)
The ANPAA is the leading organization managing care and prevention centers all across French territory. It has a 145-year history of promoting better health policy to reduce addictions-related harms (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, games). Phone number: 0.811.91.30.30.
France: UNAFAM
UNAFAM is an association of public utility, which welcomes, listens, supports, trains, informs and accompanies the families and the entourage of people living with mental disorders since 1963. It has more than 14,000 members.
Germany: DHS
The DHS was set up in 1947 to provide a platform for all the associations and charities active in helping addiction sufferers throughout the country. With few exceptions, all bodies involved in out-patient counseling and treatment, inpatient provision and self-help are represented in the DHS. The aim of the DHS member organizations is to systematically pool their various expert skills and knowledge of issues and problems relating to addiction prevention and addiction relief. To this extent, the DHS stands for addiction relief in Germany. Information and support for substance consumers and abusers, addicts and their families are provided and put into effect in the various facilities of the member associations and through contact among their members. Email contact: info@dhs.de.
Israel: ERAN
ERAN provides Emotional First Aid services, offering initial response and emotional support on the phone and online — 24 hours a day, all year round — while maintaining strict confidentiality and anonymity. For more than four decades, ERAN volunteers have been reaching out to people in stressful situations, discreetly and confidentially. The range of referrals to ERAN is broad and includes situations such as dealing with trauma, depression, economic distress, teen challenges, loneliness, violence, abuse, eating disorders, self-image and sexual identity, difficulty in raising children, distress of Holocaust survivors, anxiety and more. Phone number: 1201.
Japan: Alcoholic Anonymous: アルコホーリクス・アノニマス
AAのメンバーになるために必要なことは、飲酒をやめたいという願いだけです。会費や料金は必要ありません。お問い合わせ 03-3590-5377.
Japan: JUST (Japanese Union for Survivors of Trauma): 日本トラウマ・サバイバーズ・ユニオン
Japan: Tokyo Mental Health Square: NPO法人東京メンタルヘルス・スクエア
東京メンタルヘルス・スクエアでは、そんなあなたの為に無料や低価格の悩み相談、 講座イベント等を準備しています。
México: Alcohólicos Anónimos
Alcohólicos Anónimos is a community of men and women that share their mutual experience, strength and hope to solve their problem and help others recover from alcoholism. Its main objective is to keep them sober and help other alcoholics reach sobriety as well. Phone numbers: CDMX (55) 5264-2406, (55) 5264-2466, (55) 5264-2588. Email contact: serviciosalacomunidad@aamexico.org.mx.
México: Organización Nacional de Trastorno Bipolar y Depresión
A non-profit association integrated by people who have experienced the symptoms and problems related to depression or bipolar disorder. They promote early diagnosis and appropriate treatment as a way to identify and prevent dysfunctionality. Phone: (55) 5207-2721, (55) 5514-1528.
New Zealand: Alcohol Drug Helpline
The Alcohol Drug Helpline team provides non-judgmental, professional advice, information and support about drinking or other drug use. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All calls are free and confidential — and you can remain anonymous if you want to. Phone number: 0800 787 797.
Norway: RUStelefonen
The national drug helpline in Norway, RUStelefonen was established to provide the public with information and counseling services regarding alcohol, drugs and substance abuse. The service is financed by The Directorate of Health and administered by the Agency for Welfare Services. Phone number: 08588.
Norway: Mental Helse Norge
Mental Health is a member organization for all people with mental health problems, relatives and others interested in the issue. Through political work, public awareness and dissemination of user experience, we work for increased openness, better prevention and treatment of mental health problems. Phone number: 116 123.
Singapore: Samaritans of Singapore (SOS)
SOS is dedicated to providing confidential emotional support to individuals facing a crisis, thinking about suicide or affected by suicide. We are a secular non-profit organization comprising full-time staff and volunteers. Our services include specialized counseling, support for those affected by the suicide of someone they know, referrals, training and workshops, outreach, and more. Phone number: 1800-221-4444.
United Kingdom: Sky Viewer Support
A collated website containing a list of several official bodies for the UK and IRE across all issues which might be raised in the show.